
MEMX Breaks Multiple Monthly, Daily Records as It Climbs to 6th Largest Exchange in U.S.

MEMX, a market operator founded by a diverse group of participants to benefit all investors, today announced multiple performance records, including scaling the exchange market share ranks to close out April as the 6th largest of the 16 U.S. equity exchanges. MEMX is the fastest growing equities exchange in the country, with monthly double digit increases in average daily trading volume.

MEMX’s April milestones include:

  • Record average daily market share: 2.16%
  • Record month-over-month market share growth (April increase over March): 46%
  • Record average daily volume: 214 million shares traded
  • Daily records: market share (2.77%), notional value traded ($7.1 billion), symbols traded (7,029)

Since January, MEMX market share has soared 238%. The exchange commenced trading all NMS symbols just six months ago, on October 29, 2020.

“MEMX was founded to drive competition and give a voice to investors. Our rapid growth is evidence we are filling an important need in the exchange landscape,” said Jonathan Kellner, CEO of MEMX. “We are pleased to be gaining traction by the day and grateful for the active participation of our members, who represent a broad cross section of the market, including banks, institutions, market makers and retail participants.”

Kellner continued, “Equally exciting is the increased level of conversation and engagement we are having with new and existing participants interested in our market, which is a further tailwind for our forward momentum.”

An additional illustration of MEMX’s growing broad-based support is that the exchange now has more average daily trading volume than any of the more than 30 off-exchange trading venues, or dark pools, in the United States.

About MEMX:

Founded in 2019 by diverse members of the global financial community, MEMX is an innovative, customer-centric market operator, focused on creating and promoting a fair, transparent, and efficient experience for all investors. MEMX offers a new option to investors, with a simpler platform and features to benefit both retail and institutional investors. For more information on MEMX, please visit www.memx.com and follow @memxtrading.
