
Genesis Energy, L.P. Provides an Update on 2023 K-1 Availability

Genesis Energy, L.P. (NYSE: GEL) today provided an update on the expected availability of the partnership’s 2023 Investor Tax Packages, including Schedule K-1 for its common unitholders.

Historically, Genesis’ Investor Tax Packages have been available by early March for the preceding tax year. However, the timing of the availability of Genesis’ 2023 Investor Tax Packages is dependent upon actions of the U.S. Congress and the Biden administration with regard to the passage, or not, of the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024, (referred to as “H.R. 7024”). H.R. 7024 was passed by the House of Representatives on January 31, 2024 and is now among the legislative items that the U.S. Senate may or may not consider prior to its next recess scheduled for late March 2024. This legislation includes changes in tax law which would be applied retroactively to the 2023 tax year. As passed by the House of Representatives, certain provisions in H.R. 7024 would lower Genesis’ taxable income for 2023 compared to existing tax law.

H.R. 7024 is subject to the legislative process, which may include amendments introduced by the Senate and thus reconciliation of this bill between the House of Representatives and the Senate, and is also subject to the ultimate approval by the President.

Due to the ongoing consideration of H.R. 7024 by Congress and thus the uncertainty of the ultimate tax laws applicable to tax year 2023, Genesis currently expects that its 2023 Investor Tax Packages, including Schedule K-1 and all information to fiduciaries for common units owned in tax exempt accounts, will be delayed in comparison to previous years and will be available by March 30, 2024. Once the applicable tax laws for 2023 are known and finalized by the passage, or not, of H.R. 7024, Genesis will provide an update on the availability of the 2023 Investor Tax Packages. While these matters are beyond our control, we apologize for any inconvenience the timing of this pending tax legislation may cause our partners.

Please note, receipt of a tax package is not proof of ownership in Genesis Energy, L.P.

Genesis Energy, L.P. is a diversified midstream energy master limited partnership headquartered in Houston, Texas. Genesis’ operations include offshore pipeline transportation, sodium minerals and sulfur services, onshore facilities and transportation and marine transportation. Genesis’ operations are primarily located in the Gulf Coast region of the United States, Wyoming and the Gulf of Mexico.


Genesis Energy, L.P.

Dwayne Morley

VP – Investor Relations

(713) 860-2536