Midland, Texas, March 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Natural Gas Services Group, Inc. (NYSE:NGS), announced today that it is rescheduling its earnings conference call for the fourth quarter and full year of 2022 to allow the Company to complete its 2022 audit for the 10-K. The call was originally scheduled for Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern.
NGS will issue a separate press release announcing the date and time of the rescheduled call.
About Natural Gas Services Group, Inc.
NGS is a leading provider of small to medium horsepower, wellhead compression equipment to the natural gas industry with a primary focus on the non-conventional gas and oil industry, i.e., coalbed methane, gas and oil shales and tight gas. The Company manufactures, fabricates, rents, sells and maintains natural gas compressors and flare systems for gas and oil production and plant facilities. NGS is headquartered in Midland, Texas with fabrication facilities located in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Midland, Texas and service facilities located in major gas and oil producing basins in the U.S. Additional information can be found at www.ngsgi.com.

Natural Gas Services Group, Inc. Investor Relations (432) 262-2700 ir@ngsgi.com www.ngsgi.com