Raw milk differs from fresh milk. Pasteurized milk retains its nutritional content and eliminates potential bacterial threats, reducing the risk of harmful bacteria intake compared to raw milk.

Miami, FL (Merxwire) – As health consciousness rises, many seek more “natural” food sources, and raw milk (unpasteurized) is becoming a new favourite for some consumers. They believe that raw milk retains all the nutritional value and flavour of milk and that its “unprocessed” nature aligns better with healthy eating principles. However, is raw milk more nutritious than processed milk? In reality, the opposite is true—drinking raw milk could be more harmful than you think and even pose life-threatening risks.
Raw milk refers to milk that has not undergone pasteurization. Pasteurization involves heating milk to 75°C–80°C to kill harmful bacteria instantly, such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria. These bacteria can pose serious health risks if allowed to grow in milk.
Consumers who choose raw milk often believe pasteurization destroys milk’s nutrients and flavour, rendering it “unnatural.” Pasteurization only minimally affects specific vitamins, such as B2 and B12, while proteins, calcium, and other vital nutrients remain largely unaffected. Moreover, pasteurization significantly reduces the number of pathogens in milk, making it a safe and healthy food for daily consumption.
The most significant risk of raw milk is potential infection from harmful bacteria. Even if the milk appears fresh and has no unusual odour, it doesn’t mean it’s safe. Many bacteria and pathogens in milk cannot be detected by appearance or smell. These microorganisms can cause various health issues, including diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, and severe systemic diseases.

Additionally, drinking raw milk may expose you to the risk of contracting Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). Though rare in humans, according to a statement issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this virus can be transmitted to dairy cattle by wild birds, and milk from infected cattle may carry the HPAI virus. While it remains unclear if consuming contaminated raw milk can lead to HPAI infection, the FDA considers it a high-risk food and advises against its consumption.
To get the nutritional benefits of milk and ensure food safety, you should opt for pasteurized milk products. When purchasing, look for the “fresh milk” label and avoid unprocessed raw milk products. Additionally, if you prefer the natural flavour of dairy products, you can choose organic fresh milk or low-temperature processed dairy products. By carefully selecting treated milk, you can enjoy its nutritional value while avoiding potential health risks.