The top five instant noodles sales are from Asian countries, with China ranking first in total consumption and Vietnam ranking first in per capita consumption.

HANOI, VIETNAM (Merxwire) – The global instant noodles market will be US$57.73 billion in 2023, and the market size in Asia reached US$49.54 billion, accounting for 85% of sales and becoming the primary market for instant noodles. China, Indonesia, and India rank among the top three consumers of instant noodles, but Vietnamese eat the most packages of instant noodles per person per year on average and are one of the world’s major consumers of instant noodles.
According to the World Instant Noodles Association, 120.21 billion servings of instant noodles were consumed globally in 2023. Asian countries will occupy the top five, with China ranking first, followed by Indonesia, India, Vietnam, and Japan. However, based on the average number of instant noodles consumed by each person, Vietnamese consume an average of 81 servings of instant noodles every year and eat instant noodles about once every four days, making them the most common instant noodles eaters in the world.
Vietnamese people consumed about 4.3 billion servings of instant noodles in 2009, which will increase to more than 8.1 billion servings in 2023, a nearly 2-fold increase. In addition to the variety of flavors, convenience, and easy preservation, the price is more economical than other foods, which is why Vietnamese people love to eat instant noodles. In Vietnam, affordable instant noodles priced at 3,000 to 5,000 VND per pack are widely consumed, but a bowl of cheap vermicelli costs about 15,000 VND, and a bowl of pho exceeds 25,000 VND. The vast price difference makes instant noodles a popular food.

There are more than 50 companies operating in the instant noodles field in Vietnam, among which Acecook Vietnam ranks first with a revenue share of 35.4%, followed by Masan (27.9%) and Uniben (12.2%). Since there are many manufacturers, new flavors are introduced in the instant noodle market. In addition to the diverse flavors, many products use rice noodles, one of the characteristics of Vietnamese instant noodles.
According to statistics from the MyBest website, the most delicious instant noodles in Vietnam in 2024 are ranked first by “Hao Hao Spicy and Sour Shrimp Noodles” produced by Acecook Vietnam, and second by “Omachi Five Fruits and Ribs Noodles” produced by Masan. Ms. Ruan, who shopped at WinMart, said restaurant dining is too expensive. My family loves spicy and sour shrimp noodles because it tastes great. Add onions, lemons, and red pepper when cooking, which is a cost-effective and rich dish.
Vietnamese instant noodles continue to be loved by Vietnamese people and are gradually being favored by overseas markets. The European Union has recently removed Vietnamese instant noodles from the food safety control list, which will increase their sales in the European market. In addition, the year-on-year increase in tourist tourists and the demand from overseas Vietnamese for the taste of home will help the global sales of Vietnamese instant noodles.