
Hillside, IL Author Publishes Historical Fiction Novel

(PRLeap.com) "Freedom in the East: in the Middle Ages", a new book by Renate M. Schulz, has been released by RoseDog Books.

Freedom in the Middle Ages was often based on feudalism. Most people were tied to the land and their lord-of-the-manor. But it also had its protections, as well as its hardships. Follow the story of the young man, Rupert Tide, who left the oppressive, crushing serf-ship. He forged a new path of freedom in the East. He overcame much hardship, but prevailed.

About the Author
Renate M. Schulz was born in 1933 A.D. in a European country, in a farming area. In writing her book, she used the Christian Bible as a guideline for farm work, since those people had no electricity in the Bible times, either.

Schulz worked as a secretary, bookkeeper, wife, mother of six, and in office environments. She is a daily reader of the Chicago Tribune newspaper. She read so many horror stories in there, and decided to give her story an uplift. Schulz wants her story to be fun to read and to make the heroes in her book mostly successful. When the night for a senior takes long, reading a happier story seems to fill in the extra hours in retirement.

"Freedom in the East: in the Middle Ages" is a 298-page paperback with a retail price of $22.00 (eBook $17.00). The ISBN is 979-8-89027-373-4. It was published by RoseDog Books of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To buy the book, visit our online bookstore at https://rosedogbookstore.com/freedom-in-the-east-in-the-middle-ages/

Amanda Urso
RoseDog Books


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