West Fraser Timber is a prominent North American forest products company that specializes in manufacturing and distributing a wide range of wood-based products
The company operates sawmills, plywood mills, and engineered wood facilities, producing lumber, panels, and other wood products used in construction and various industrial applications. With a strong commitment to sustainability and responsible forestry practices, West Fraser emphasizes environmental stewardship while delivering high-quality materials that support the building and construction sectors. Their extensive product line caters to both residential and commercial markets, making them a key player in the timber industry.
During the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic, and despite the broad-based economic fallout that ensued, North American lumber markets (markets for building materials like 2 x 4s used for construction framing) experienced historic gains.
West Fraser Timber Co (NYSEWFG) is set to give its latest quarterly earnings report on Wednesday, 2022-10-26. Here's what investors need to know before the announcement. Analysts estimate that West Fraser Timber Co will report an earnings per share (EPS) of $1.89.
West Fraser Timber Co (NYSEWFG) is set to give its latest quarterly earnings report on Wednesday, 2022-10-26. Here's what investors need to know before the announcement. Analysts estimate that West Fraser Timber Co will report an earnings per share (EPS) of $1.89.
Companies Reporting Before The Bell • WESCO International (NYSEWCC) is projected to report quarterly earnings at $3.79 per share on revenue of $5.37 billion.